Body Language and Its Importance in Interviews

Body Language and Its Importance in Interviews

What you say during interviews plays an important role in understanding whether you are the right candidate for the company. Similarly, body language and its importance in interviews is another factor that helps you increase your chances of selection.

Results of a survey showed that it’s easier to control what you say than what your body does. There should be a collaboration between the two to make sure your ideas are communicated effectively.

A recent study showed that communication contributes 55% to body language, 38% to the tone of your voice, and the remaining 7% to spoken words. While the numbers are not exact, it does explain the role of nonverbal communication.

Let’s think of a scenario where you come to the interviewer with confidence and optimism. While you may not have the required work experience, your confidence will allow the interviewer to find that you are the most desirable person for the required position.

Let’s take another case, where you come to the interviewer stressed, optimistic, and worried. Your hands are shaking, your heart is beating, and you cannot convince the interviewer.

Which of the two candidates would you prefer? Confident and optimistic or anxious; Obviously the first candidate wins the job. This explains the need for body language to express your thoughts and ideas in the interview.

To increase your chances of selection, here are some body language tips to help you get the right message across in front of the interviewer:


Hand gesture


Eye contact

Try to stand/sit up straight and try not to cross your arms in front of the interviewer. Doing so will express confidence and ease rather than your sloppiness. Always try to sit at an angle from the interviewer rather than sitting straight in front of the interviewer. Doing so will make him feel like his colleague and will help reduce your tension and anxiety.

When you express an idea or thought in front of an interviewer, try to express them with appropriate hand gestures. Use gestures as a way to hide your nervousness and anxiety. Include this until it becomes distracting.

Have a gentle smile on your face. Smiling will reduce your tension. This will make the interviewer feel that the interviewee is interested in meeting them.

Make eye contact with the interviewer. Remember, the interviewer is always looking for unspoken signs of restlessness awkwardness. Making eye contact with the interviewer will make him feel that you are confident and knowledgeable in this area. This will eventually increase your chances of selection and you will win the rat race over other candidates.

Finally, believe in yourself and believe in yourself. The less nervous you are, the better you can handle any distressing situation.



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