What is a Kitsune in real life?

What is a Kitsune in real life? In Japanese folklore, a Kitsune is a fox with supernatural abilities and the power to shapeshift.

There are many different types of kitsunes– some can be benevolent guardians or protectors, but others may bring chaos and mischief.

Despite what you might think, kitsunes aren’t just found in Japan! They’re all over the world, including America.

In this blog post, I’ll detail what they look like here in America, as well as their origins and how we can interact with them safely.

What is an evil kitsune called?

In Japan, an evil kitsune is called a Yako. They’re known to be tricksters and can also shapeshift into humans if they want to! What does this look like?

Let’s take the example of something such as art theft. The yako will adopt a human form and then go around stealing famous pieces of art or works from well-known artists who died centuries ago.

How do we stop them, you ask? We must use our wits! What would we do in real life when faced with one?

Your best bet is to either talk the demon down until it gives up its plan OR distract it while someone else takes care of how it needs to be dealt with (such as that painting!). Just remember:

How is a kitsune born?

In Japan, a kitsune is born from the spirit of an unborn child or through magic.
What are some ways to summon one? How can you tell if it’s not who they say they are? How do you ask them where their true form lies? What does this look like in real life?

How would we stop something that came up to us out of nowhere and demanded these questions answered before giving even more information about themselves??

All very good questions! Let’s dive into each question individually now:

How is a kitsune born? A kitsune isn’t necessarily “born” as much as it might be created by either natural means or magical ones.

Either way, though, the being will have to be a physical being in some way. How does this affect them? It means they can die just like anyone else!

Do Kitsune eat brains?

Some of them do, and some don’t. Do yako eat brains? Yes! Do other kitsunes besides the yako need to eat a brain to survive?

No- but they might be more likely to try and trick someone into giving theirs up instead of hunting for their prey or finding an animal’s head somewhere.

How would we stop something that came up to us out of nowhere and demanded these questions answered before giving even more information about themselves??

Your best bet is, as always: to use your wits! In real life, you may find yourself stuck on how exactly it’s going down, what line of questioning works, etc.


After reading this article, you may be wondering what a Kitsune is in real life.

After reading this article, you may be wondering what a Kitsune is in real life. According to the Wikipedia entry for “Kitsune,” it means “Foxes” in Japanese and is considered a Shinto spirit that can take on human form.

This blog has only scratched the surface of these fascinating creatures but hopefully will provide enough information to get you started with your research into their world.

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