Should Your Salary Be On Your Resume?

Should Your Salary Be On Your Resume?

Should Your Salary Be On Your Resume? The salary discussion is one of the most disturbing parts of the job search. Most of us don’t like to bargain over salary and fear that putting our current salary on paper will doom us to repeat or not get the job we’re looking for. For the most part, you don’t need to include a salary history on your resume. Also, if a job posting asks you to include your background the salary discussion is one of the most disturbing parts of the job search requirements when applying, they will look for that information when you apply. Skipping this part of the application process can automatically put you off the run.

Employers have a variety of reasons to request salary information, but regardless of these reasons, be sure to include it in your application if they request it. They may want to eliminate those who expect more than they are willing to offer or find someone who is qualified and willing to receive the least amount of compensation. They want to know that you will follow the instructions. You can comply with a salary history request in several ways:

Add salary history to your resume on a separate page

Add to your cover letter

Use a salary range instead of specific amounts

Your salary history should be accurate and up-to-date. When they meet with former employers and discover the truth, which is a real possibility, they will jeopardize your career. At the same time, if you think you’re underpaid, there’s no reason to avoid saying it. You want to ensure it can be said diplomatically and appropriately to avoid misunderstandings. Make sure you don’t get discouraged if you don’t get the job – there are various reasons why this happens and your salary requirements may not be because of it.

Salary requirements can be addressed with statements that demonstrate your flexibility and willingness to negotiate the overall pay package, including benefits. Here too a range can be helpful as long as it is within reasonable limits. Saying “negotiable” isn’t always the answer employers are looking for, so make sure you’re open and honest about your expectations. Tools like the salary calculator will help you understand the range of these expectations. The salary may not be on your resume, but it’s definitely at the top of everyone’s priority list and you should be prepared to discuss it.

Read Also: Three Components of the Ideal Resume


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